Pillar of Light Vol 2: The Life of Joseph Smith.
Illustrated by the talented and experienced Marvel and DC comic artist Sal Velluto, this volume is the sequel to Pillar of Light: Joseph Smith's First Vision. covers 24 short stories from the Life of Joseph Smith from infancy to his martyrdom, passing through The First Vision, the visit of the Angel Moroni, the publication of The Book of Mormon and the events leading to the restoration of The Church, this volume presents true stories to inspire people of all ages to gain a testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith and his divine mission. 48 pages of stunning art with text taken from the historical first hand accounts from the life of Joseph Smith.
Buy it through Amazon by clicking here.
SLAM: Missionary Cartoons
SLAM Missionary Cartoons is 38 full color pages of cartoons are sure
to bring a laugh. Hilarious cartoons created by Ralph Thomas cover mission life with humorous truthfulness. From the MTC, to tracting,
to dinner appointments this hilarious book of missionary cartoons will bring new laughs and treasured memories to anyone who has been a part of missionary life. Colorized by Andrew Knaupp, this new edition of this classic book is available now.
Buy it through Amazon by clicking here.
Fortifications of Moroni Board Game
This Book of Mormon themed board game was created out of a need for a fun family game that could be played on a Sunday or on Family Night that would be creative, fun, not too simple, but not too complex. We wanted a game where the threat to overcome was external and not the other players, reducing contention. Players build fortifications around Nephite cities to help protect them from Lamanite attacks. Trade with other players to get the Wall Sections you need. Complete your Wall Sections to make your cities impervious to attack. To watch a video on how to play click here.
Buy it by clicking here.
Pillar of Light: Joseph Smith's First Vision
We have created a graphic novel adaption of Joseph Smith's First Vision called Pillar of Light: Joseph Smith's First Vision. Illustrated by talented artist Sal Velluto, who created the art and acted as art director. 2020 was the 200th anniversary of the First Vision and we believe we have done a version of the story that will reach young people in a new and profound way. We want to inspire the youth and to build their testimonies of the Prophet Joseph Smith.
We used details from all 4 accounts written by Joseph Smith as well as from those who heard him tell his experience firsthand. It includes details not previously shown in the current films and visuals. We finished the book on March 26, 2020, and it is available to view for free at the link below. Print versions are available through Cedar Fort Books.
You can also download the English version for free by clicking here.
Or buy a print copy through Amazon here.
You can also click here to see the process of finishing one page.
For any media inquiries or other information,
please contact Andrew Knaupp at:
or message us through our facebook page Latter-day Saint Ideas
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We are looking for donors and patrons who would like to fund additional comics. Creating books at this level of quality is challenging and expensive. If you are interested in having your name or organization be a part of creating LDS Comics that teach and inspire for generations, email us.
I have searched high and low for a way to get the scripture stories into my children's heads, to help them imagine the characters, their power, their spirit. Reading straight from the scriptures is something we strive to do daily, and will never stop, but never before has the imagery been as vivid as with the accompaniment of this comic book. Incredible way to enjoy these stories with your kids.
This is a strong, faith-promoting interpretation of a sacred text. The visual metaphors are rich, and there's a deep level of reverence for the text being adapted. It obviously doesn't replace the scriptures. It's not trying to be the definitive and historically accurate visual companion to the Book of Mormon. It's beautiful and inspirational, however, and worth revisiting periodically. Love this series.
The Book of Mormon
is cool, and comic books
are cool, so combining the
two was a great idea!
My 9 year old daughter loves reading them. She likes the story of Nephi breaking his bow and crossing the ocean to the promised land. I really like the allegory of the Olive tree.
This book is meant for a Mormon audience and those who are part of that audience will find this is a great way to get their kids excited about these stories. We hope that there will be many more.
The comic is respectful to the sacred book, and also very kid friendly. I asked my kids why they liked it and my daughter (who is 10) said, “It is fun to read and it doesn’t have all those confusing big words. I REALLY like the pictures.” Since my kids started reading the comic book version I have seen them pick up their actual scriptures more too, which always makes me happy to see.
"Help Youth Love The Book of Mormon
with First-Rate Digital Comic"
Meridian Magazine Review by Jonathan Decker. Click here to read.
"Book of Mormon: Comic Book Style"
A review by LDS Blogger Lynn Muir. Click here to read.
"3 Surprising Book of Mormon Insights One Man Gained When Adapting the Scriptures into a Comic Book"
LDS Living Article on 3 things Andrew Knaupp learned while making the Premium Edition. Click here to read.
"LDS canon to enter comic-book realm"
Deseret News article on the original release. Click here to read.
"Comics Creator Declines Metal Men to Draw Nephi Creates The Golden Plates, a Book of Mormon Comic"
Meridian Magazine article interviewing Michael Allred extensively about why he stopped working for DC comics for nearly a year to create The Golden Plates. Click here to read.
"Allred's Passion: Mike Allred on The Golden Plates"
Interview with Michael Allred by Diamond Comics. Click here to read.
"Book of Mormon comics energize bookstore owner"
Desert News article about a comic shop owner and his enthusiasm for The Golden Plates. Click here to read.
"Book of Mormon Comics"
Times and Season article comparing the various attempts to illustrate the Book of Mormon including The Golden Plates. Click here to read.
"How a Book of Mormon Story Ended Up in a DC Comic (+ Other Ways Mormons Share Their Faith in Comics)"
LDS Living article on Michael Allred and other LDS artists on how their faith inspired them to create. Click here to read.
"A Survey of Mormon Comix by Theric Jepson"
Michael Allred's announcement to leave DC Comics to illustrate The Golden Plates described as "the biggest announcement in Mormon comics ever." Click here to read.